Trustee Candidate Application

TO BE ELECTED IN 2024: Region 1 (Divisions 21, 22N, 22N, 23, 24, 25) Term 2024-2027
TO BE ELECTED IN 2024: Region 4 (Divisions 1, 2, 7, 8) Term 2023-2027

Region 1 Election for Trustee – May 21. Election will take place via mail in ballot. Club presidents and immediate past presidents will be mailed ballots and those ballots will need to be returned with a postmark no later than May 21.

Region 4 Election Date To Be Announced

Regional Trustee Candidate Application

Trustee Election Filing 2024 – Nominations accepted Jan. 29 – March 1 Region 1 (Divisions 21, 22, 23, 24) Term 2024-2027 Region 4 (Divisions 1, 2, 7, 8) Term 2024-2027

If belong to multiple clubs, please list your primary club
(Please include both mailing address, and street address if mailing address is a PO Box)
Is spouse also a Kiwanian
PLEASE NOTE: Some of the information you provide will appear in International and district directories. This information also may be listed on Kiwanis Web sites.(Required)
I have read the Regional Trustee job description in the District Bylaws and reviewed responsibilites in Policy and Procedures and am willing and able to perform said duties.(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
My club president is aware that he/she must submit the club endorsement certification to complete this application and that the endorsement must be submitted by the deadline.(Required)
(Club endorsement certification form can be found below on this page)
Please attach current photo of you(Required)
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
(low resolution/small file size photos may not be usable)
(Examples of items to include: years in Kiwanis, club and district positions held, notable accomplishments, service or committee work, etc.)

Regional Trustee Candidate Application – Club Endorsement

This form is to be completed by president of candidate’s primary club and submitted by filing deadline. Trustee candidate application will not be complete until this endorsement is submitted.

As president of the primary Kiwanis Club of the trustee candidate applicant, I certify that our member is in good standing and has been endorsed by the club's board and/or membership for the office of Regional Trustee.(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Vote by
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
