Every Kiwanian in good standing in the Nebraska-Iowa District is a member of the District Foundation. The Foundation was chartered August 8,1970 to support the education and training of Kiwanians and Kiwanis sponsored youth in order to furth er the community programs and projects undertaken by district members.
The Foundation Board of Directors is comprised of one Donor Member of the Foundation from each division, plus the elected officers. The officers of the Foundation are: the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Immediate Past President. One Donor member representing each division, as well as directors at large and the elected officers comprise the Foundation Board.
The Nebraska-Iowa District Foundation obtains funds from:
Donor ($100), Sapphire ($250), Ruby ($500), Emerald ($750), and Bartlett ($1000 or more) members, who become eligible to vote on organizational issues through their contributions to the Foundation.
Clubs which contribute $6 per member as the Annual Foundation Fund Gift.
The Nebraska-Iowa District Foundation awards grants quarterly (as funds permit) to assist Kiwanis Clubs and Service Leadership Clubs in funding projects. The Foundation Board of Directors is responsible for reviewing and granting awards. The following criteria applies:
The project for which the grant was requested must conform to the tenants and goals of Kiwanis international.
The project must focus on the needs of children or on organizations which serve or promote children’s activities or well being in the Nebraska-Iowa District.
The number of children affected by the projects completion will be a major factor in consideration for approval against other submissions.
The project will be evaluated on it’s level of impact on the area served by the submitting Kiwanis Club.
Participation in the Annual Club Giving program of the Foundation will be considered, but will not be the sole reason for denial of the grant.
Active work done on the project by Kiwanis Club members will also be a factor for consideration.
Selection is limited to Clubs and Service Leadership Programs within the Nebraska-Iowa District boundaries.
The deadlines for submission of grant requests are:
December 1
March 1
June 1
September 1
Review and approval of Grants will be at the Quarterly Foundation Board Meeting following the submission deadline.
Sharing. Learning. Networking. Creating lifelong friendships. Finding inspiration. There are countless reasons to attend the 2025 Kiwanis International Convention in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S. Whether you’re a seasoned leader, longtime Kiwanian or new to our organization, you’ll return home energized. Don’t miss the most exciting event of the Kiwanis year — and get empowered to drive positive change in your club and community.
District Foundation Donors & Grants
Who We Are
Every Kiwanian in good standing in the Nebraska-Iowa District is a member of the District Foundation. The Foundation was chartered August 8,1970 to support the education and training of Kiwanians and Kiwanis sponsored youth in order to furth er the community programs and projects undertaken by district members.
The Foundation Board of Directors is comprised of one Donor Member of the Foundation from each division, plus the elected officers. The officers of the Foundation are: the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Immediate Past President. One Donor member representing each division, as well as directors at large and the elected officers comprise the Foundation Board.
The Nebraska-Iowa District Foundation obtains funds from:
Individual Giving Form
Club Giving Form
District Foundation Grants
The Nebraska-Iowa District Foundation awards grants quarterly (as funds permit) to assist Kiwanis Clubs and Service Leadership Clubs in funding projects. The Foundation Board of Directors is responsible for reviewing and granting awards. The following criteria applies:
The deadlines for submission of grant requests are:
Review and approval of Grants will be at the Quarterly Foundation Board Meeting following the submission deadline.
Grant Information/Application Form
Sharing. Learning. Networking. Creating lifelong friendships. Finding inspiration. There are countless reasons to attend the 2025 Kiwanis International Convention in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S. Whether you’re a seasoned leader, longtime Kiwanian or new to our organization, you’ll return home energized. Don’t miss the most exciting event of the Kiwanis year — and get empowered to drive positive change in your club and community.